• Country:
  • My advice / My idea:

    I would seek out existing organizations who are focused on non-profit arts and culture topics. These would include Foundations, local civic organizations, cultural foundations and organizations that may be part of a museum or heritage organization, universities, and registered state sponsored programs that fall under the umbrella of Cultural Affairs. I also would seek out cultural affairs arms of major corporations. Of course this means that you are softly endorsing the company and its policies...

  • My expertise about the subject: My expertise is limited, but knowing how how little money is available from the state or city, I could advise where not to look and what not to expect in a profit driven environment like NYC.
  • My potential limits as a mentor: I have very limited experience working in the non-profit, cultural affairs sector.
  • What expertise I’d like to find among the network, to complete mine?: How to administratively deal with Foundations and Cultural Affairs based grant providers.
  • Why it's relevant? How to use it?:


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