• Informations: CEO
  • Organisation: Vectorealism
  • Country:
  • My advice / My idea:

    Not everyone has to like you! Find a specific target for your project, and stay focused on that. A few raving fans are worth more than thousands of silent “followers”.

  • My expertise about the subject: I’ve done most of the marketing for my business using digital tools, mostly SEO. This is my core and direct experience. I also worked as a copywriter in an advertising agency for a year, but I consider that experience more relevant for creativity than for real marketing.
  • My potential limits as a mentor: I’ve never been involved in huge marketing campaigns for cultural projects, except as a supplier.
  • What expertise I’d like to find among the network, to complete mine?: I’d love to learn from a professional how to plan and deliver a marketing and communication campaign.
  • Why it's relevant? How to use it?:


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